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Noise Dispute Redressal between a Hotel & a Pharma Manufacturing Company

In the city of Navi Mumbai, there was a budget hotel operating along the corner of a plot within an industrial zone. During the planning stage of construction for the hotel, a noise survey was conducted to assess the environmental acoustic ambience and based on the study, necessary noise control methods were implemented to provide the best comfort to guests.

Over a period of time, it was noticed that a neighboring factory extended their manufacturing section towards the wall they shared with the hotel premises. The activity at extended area of the factory generated high noise intermittently, causing discomfort in general and guest rooms in particular.

Hotel management began exploring for solution to the noise problem. Thermosonics Private Limited was invited, through a referral, to study and give a report on possible solutions to the problem. Thermosonics took up the project of noise abatement and studied the noise in terms of intensity and pattern of noise generation at the source, sound propagation path and its impact at overall hotel premises and at guest rooms of hotel in particular. The hotel management was under the impression that by improving the acoustic valves of openable windows of the hotel towards the said factory, the noise could be reduced. However, they had to be convinced otherwise because this solution was not conceptually sound.

At the same time, Thermosonics approached the management of neighboring factory to explore the possibility of reduction of noise at source itself, either by change in location of the activity or by implementing acoustic solutions. But the factory management was not quite responsive to the problem faced by the hotel.

After thorough study of the situation, Thermosonics proposed to the hotel management that designing & installing a noise barrier above the common compound wall would be the most effective & economical method of noise mitigation, not only for the guest rooms but also for the entire premises of the hotel. Hotel management were convinced by this solution and approved the design and erection of noise barriers to the required height.

After the installation of was complete, a noise survey was conducted to assess the change in the environment. The results showed a drastic reduction, up to 15dBA reduction, in noise transmission from the factory to the hotel premises & 25dBA between the factory and guest rooms.

The hotel management were greatly satisfied with the result and assured to refer Thermosonics Private Limited as the experts on noise related problems to their network and friends.
